Live Longer. Live Better.

A documentary on the power of Health and Longevity

The biggest threat to our health and quality of life today are lifestyle-related diseases driven by lack of activity and movement, poor diet, and high-pressure situations. Fortunately, there are evidence-based methods to combat these trends.

The documentary will make the case for why investing into lifestyle changes and physical activity are essential to healthy longevity, thanks to help of experts from renowned institutions such as Stanford University, the Swiss Olympic Medical Center (Geneva), the University of California, and the World Health Organization. During the documentary a diverse team of cyclists spanning all age groups, led by Jack Lowe, Champion of Fit for Life Philosophy, will journey across some of the Tour de France’s most famous mountain passes (407 km in total). At 82 years old, Jack boasts a physiological age of 60, a result derived from 40 years of testing at the Swiss Olympic Medical Center in Geneva, Switzerland.

The numbers tell a compelling story, embracing an active lifestyle not only significantly lowers the risk of various illnesses (i.e. non-communicable diseases), but also enhances the prospects of enjoying a healthy and long life. You have the power to shape your life with the lifestyle you opt for. Staying active allows you to pursue your passions well into your eighties and nineties—dare to stay active! The perfect time to start a healthy lifestyle is right now!

Enjoy this 8-minute film, a sneak peek into the forthcoming documentary. It offers an enticing preview of what to expect in the final production.

“Most people want to live a healthy life […] The process of making healthier choices throughout your life gets you to that goal”

Dr. Anne Friedlander

The team